ASMC – Classifying Active Sites of Enzymes Families

ASMC method (Active Sites Modeling and Clustering) is a novel unsupervised method to classify sequences using structural information of protein pockets. The method predicts functional amino-acids by proposing active site SDP residues (Specificity Determining Position) and active site CP residues (Conserved Positions) profiles. ASMC combines homology modeling of family members, structural alignment of modeled active sites and a subsequent hierarchical conceptual classification of obtained alignments. Comparison of profiles obtained from computed clusters allows the identification of the residues correlated to sub-families function divergence.

Publication : Identification of subfamily-specific sites based on active sites modeling and clustering. de Melo-Minardi RC*, Bastard K*, Artiguenave F. *Co-first authors. Bioinformatics. 2010 Dec 15;26(24):3075-82. doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btq595.

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ASMC – Classifying Active Sites of Enzymes Families