MicroScope platform: v3.10.0 released

v3.10.0 of the platform is now deployed. Here are some highlights of this new version:

  • There is a new tool called “Genome clustering” (under “Comparative Genomics”) which allows to group organisms according to their genomic similarity. It also features a new web interface to select organisms.
  • The “Genome Overview” (under “Genomic Tools”) page has been reworked: it now displays more information like the evaluation of genome completion and contamination using CheckM software.

Other improvements include minor improvements to the “My Favourite Organism” page (which should help users that have access to a lot of organisms) and several few bug corrections.

Note that some organisms are not yet available on the “Genome Clustering” page (the interface will display “Missing distances for the selected genomes.” in such cases). This will be corrected soon.

Please report us any bugs you may meet.

MicroScope platform: v3.10.0 released