Alexandra CALTEAU

Current position: Research Scientist

I obtained my Ph.D in 2005 from the University Claude Bernard Lyon 1, based on my studies on ‘Evolutionary relationships between bacteria and hyperthermophilic archaea’, under the co-direction of Guy Perrière and Manolo Gouy. Then I joined the lab of Siv Andersson at Uppsala University in Sweden for 13 months to work on the genome sequence of Bartonella grahamii.

In 2007, I joined the team of Claudine Médigue in Genoscope as a research scientist. I use my expertise in molecular evolution and genomics to contribute to different bioanalysis projects handled in the lab. In particular, I have studied the evolution of secondary metabolites in cyanobacteria. Lately, my main interest relies on the development of new methodological methods using pangenomics to perform comparative genomics on hundreds to thousands genomes.

I also work on the development of the functionalities of the MicroScope platform around the annotation of gene clusters (BGCs, secretion systems, operon…) and new functionalities relying on pangenomics. I am responsible for the MicroScope professional trainings organization in collaboration with Evry University.

As Quality Manager of the LABGeM, I am in charge of the development and maintenance of the management quality system of the laboratory.

Selected publications

See Google Scholar for a complete list of publications.